Thursday, January 1, 2009

My name is Lizzy. I've been a true fan of The Beatles for the most part of my life, and I'm lucky to be able to say that I even have a Beatles song name! One of my favourite things to do is find new photographs of the fabs of which I haven't yet seen, as well as collecting photos of them. I made this blog to share some photos which I've scanned from my vast collection of Beatle books, magazines, zines, and the like, to share with my fellow Beatle people. At the moment, my posts don't really have a 'theme', but I will try to scan photos that are in sets, and photos that have rarely been seen by the public eye. I hope you'll enjoy, and please, if you're as passionate about the fabs as I am, get in touch, I love meeting other Beatlesweeties from all over the world!

John and George set off for France - Paul was also on the flight, but Ringo followed the next day, having been delayed by bad weather whilst visiting his family in Liverpool.

John makes his acceptance speech at the Variety Club Luncheon at The Dorchester on March 19, 1964.